Friday, June 25, 2010

Astaroth rewrite

I have completed a Skale rewrite of the first level music from the Amiga game 'Astaroth, the Angel of Death'. However, I have not actually played the game, instead I heard this music from 'Headquarters', a Mechforce unit manager program which borrowed this tune. I believe at one point I heard a demo as well that used this specific tune, and the original tune can even be found on Aminet.

I intend to submit this one to Overclocked Remix. Their naming policy states that I cannot name my submission after the game, and since this tune reminds me more of futuristic Battletech I've decided to name it "Star League".

You can check out the MP3 version here, or if you want to see it you can download the source SKM here. (See blog description for information about SKM files.)

This is just a taste of what is to come, I'm on the verge of two big project releases sometime this year (I hope). I want each project to have somewhere around an hour's worth of music each before I release them.

Enjoy the music, TTFN!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Awesome rewrite.

    Thank you for sharing, Jon!
